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If you are ready to book, just go ahead and click the 'book now' button on the left of the page or via the menu (at the top of the page on mobile) You can also view the price options below. If you are still unsure and want to ask me a few questions please get in touch by clicking 'contact' via the menu. I am happy to answer anything, no matter how 'silly' it feels!


New Students

50% OFF YOUR FIRST LESSON - 60 mins - £32.50


Single Lessons

1 x 60 min - £65

1 x 45 mins - £50


Weekly Bulk Packages (SAVE 16%)

5 x 60 mins - £273 (£54.60 per week)

5 x 45 mins - £210 (£42 per week)


White Photocentric Open Mic Event Instagram Post (Website) (4).png


Singing Lessons in Richmond & Twickenham

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